
Fried Shredded Wheat

Fried Shredded Wheat

Fried Shredded Wheat Recipe. “My Mom made this for me when I was a kid and it’s still my favorite for breakfast” Steve Hall. There is nothing better than frying up them large shredded wheat biscuits. Try this recipe for breakfast, I know you will love it too!


  • 4 Shredded Wheat Big Biscuits
  • 1 Cup Half & Half or Milk
  • 4 Tbsp. Butter
  • 4 Tsp. Sugar


  1. Pour the half & half or milk into a microwave-safe bowl. Warm it in the microwave on medium-high heat for 30 – 60 seconds. Check and stir every 15 seconds and remove when steam begins to rise.
  2. In a large frying pan on medium heat, melt butter. Dip each shredded wheat biscuit in the bowl with warm half & half or milk. Then slightly drain each biscuit and place in the frying pan.
  3. Fry both sides until golden brown (use a spatula to press down each biscuit while frying).
  4. Serve in a bowl of warm half & half or milk and sprinkle with sugar and enjoy!